The subscription management platform for modern reader revenue

Turn leads into loyalty

plenigo supports publishers and media companies of all sizes in mapping diverse business models in the digital and traditional media world on a software-as-a-service platform. Modern, user-friendly and high-performance.

Ready for the digital future in all media.

The most innovative publishing houses in Germany and Europe are building, operating and developing the future of their subscription business with plenigo and turn their leads into loyalty.

Media are diverse. Customers are unique.

Customers use media offerings in a wide variety of ways. With plenigo, media companies integrate, distribute and manage a wide variety of offerings on a modern subscription management platform.

Digital first - digital product worlds

plenigo steht für "Digital first - Digitale Produktwelten" - wir ergänzen den Vertrieb durch innovative Kombination von Print und Digital
plenigo steht für "Digital first - Digitale Produktwelten" - wir ergänzen den Vertrieb durch innovative Kombination von Print und Digital

The use of digital media is increasing rapidly. The demands on publishers are geared to the new digital standards. plenigo as well.

Print exists - traditional print products

Neben dem Fokus auf den Digitalvertrieb glauben wir daran, dass Print lebt – Traditionelle Print Produkte können mit plenigo ebenso gemanaged werden, wie Digitalprodukte.
Neben dem Fokus auf den Digitalvertrieb glauben wir daran, dass Print lebt – Traditionelle Print Produkte können mit plenigo ebenso gemanaged werden, wie Digitalprodukte.

Print will remain an important component in the product portfolio of many publishers for a long time to come. That's why a sales and subscription management platform must be "digital first" and take print into account.

Diverse brand experiences – online & live events

Auch vielfältige Markenerfahrungen, z.B. Online & Live Events, können via plenigo vertrieben werden.
Auch vielfältige Markenerfahrungen, z.B. Online & Live Events, können via plenigo vertrieben werden.

Publishers are increasingly bringing their brands to life: at conventions, events, trade shows, or in webinars. By connecting event management platforms, end-to-end customer experiences can be created.

Audible - podcasts and other audio formats

Auch audiovisuelle Produkte sind mit plenigo nicht nur hörbar – Podcasts und andere Audio Formate lassen sich mit plenigo in Dein Business integrieren.
Auch audiovisuelle Produkte sind mit plenigo nicht nur hörbar – Podcasts und andere Audio Formate lassen sich mit plenigo in Dein Business integrieren.

Video and audio content are experiencing a continuing boom and have long been part of publishers' product portfolios. The plenigo functions around the entitlement enable the simple implementation of these forms of offer.

eCommerce – Don´t stop shopping

eCommerce – Don´t stop shopping. Mit plenigo lässt sich auch ein Shop in dein Produktportfolio einbetten und ergänzt den Vertrieb von Digital- und Printprodukten ideal.
eCommerce – Don´t stop shopping. Mit plenigo lässt sich auch ein Shop in dein Produktportfolio einbetten und ergänzt den Vertrieb von Digital- und Printprodukten ideal.

Product worlds also play a relevant role in the portfolio of modern publishers. The challenge is to harmonize user journeys. With plenigo integration into store worlds, consistent user experiences can be created.




Modern publishers and media companies need a highly scalable and flexible technology base to develop offerings, attract customers and grow their business. plenigo provides this base.

The media world is full of opportunities - with plenigo you are well prepared and can always develop yourself further.

Subscription management

Vielfältige Angebotsmodelle mit Deiner Subscription Management Plattform plenigo
Vielfältige Angebotsmodelle mit Deiner Subscription Management Plattform plenigo

With plenigo, a wide variety of offer models can be mapped. Combine products flexibly, automate subscription management and control your business with sales rules, among other things.

Access management

Leserfinanzierte Inhalte und SSO mit plenigo verwalten
Leserfinanzierte Inhalte und SSO mit plenigo verwalten

Reader-funded contents require optimized and centralized control of access rights. plenigo solves this securely, reliably and easily. Optionally, we offer an SSO solution for user-friendly and secure access.


Integrierbarer Checkout mit plenigo
Integrierbarer Checkout mit plenigo

In the purchasing process, the checkout – the combination of product presentation, collection of customer data and payment – is a central component of the user experience. plenigo offers an easy-to-integrate web application.

Smart payment

Smartes Payment mit den Payment Gateways von plenigo
Smartes Payment mit den Payment Gateways von plenigo

Payment transactions are a confidential matter. Our payment gateways enable secure, fast payment processing with all common methods. Simple configuration opens the way to new markets and target groups.

Billing and tax handling

Automatisches Steuerhandling und flexibles Billing mit plenigo
Automatisches Steuerhandling und flexibles Billing mit plenigo

Automatic tax handling, flexible invoice logic - one-off, periodic or consumption-based. plenigo manages the billing workflows and automatically delivers factually correct invoices by mail, post or download.

Self service

Einfache Anpassung und Integration vom plenigo Self Service
Kundenselbstverwaltung zur Optimierung Deiner Service Prozesse mit dem plenigo Self Service

Invoice download, payment method change or churn prevention is easy to integrate as a web application in the form of a self service area and thus enables the rapid digitalization of your service processes.

Accounting and more

Vereinfachte Finanzbuchhaltung mit plenigo
Vereinfachte Finanzbuchhaltung mit plenigo

Stored accounts and cost centers automate bookkeeping. All processes are imported into financial accounting systems. Vouchers and campaigns enable sales promotions and new sources of income.

plenigo – the future of subscription management for the publishing industry.

Your tools

Test our APIs and SDKs with your tech stack. This enables you to bring your business idea to life, discover new opportunities and optimize processes.

Our partners

Our selected partners offer excellent services and solutions to help you implement and optimise your subscription management.

How we think and work.

plenigo combines the future and the present in publishing. Our software enables publishing houses to create future-proof sales platforms that map the entire product range in an integrated manner.

01 API first

Mit dem API first Ansatz von plenigo wird die Integrationsfähigkeit in vielfältige IT Landschaften ermöglicht.
Mit dem API first Ansatz von plenigo wird die Integrationsfähigkeit in vielfältige IT Landschaften ermöglicht.

In order to create the ability to integrate into diverse IT landscapes, we enable a maximum level of connectivity. This allows plenigo to be easily integrated into existing IT landscapes and data to flow smoothly through different system

02 Best-of-breed

Unser Best of Breed Grundsatz ermöglicht es flexible Systemlandschaften zu erschaffen.
Unser Best of Breed Grundsatz ermöglicht es flexible Systemlandschaften zu erschaffen.

plenigo relies on flexible system landscapes instead of "one for all". The selection of suitable solutions for current requirements and simple adaptations ensure future viability.

03 Easy integration

API first und Best of Breed ermöglichen eine Integrationsfähigkeit von plenigo, die weit über den Standard von anderen SaaS-Plattformen hinaus geht.
API first und Best of Breed ermöglichen eine Integrationsfähigkeit von plenigo, die weit über den Standard von anderen SaaS-Plattformen hinaus geht.

API first and best-of-breed are not worth much if they do not simplify integration and business. We are constantly improving and automating integration capacity.

Local experts

Unser Team besteht aus Experten, vielerlei Erfahrung rund um Medien-Transformation, Integration und SaaS-Entwicklung mitbringen.
Unser Team besteht aus Experten, vielerlei Erfahrung rund um Medien-Transformation, Integration und SaaS-Entwicklung mitbringen.

We are a team of experienced experts in media transformation, integration and SaaS development. We are approachable and speak the language of the publishing industry - in every aspect.

05 Community

plenigo bietet eine Community für die Diskussionen und die Gestaltung der Verlagszukunft.
plenigo bietet eine Community für die Zukunft der Verlagswelt und gestaltet diese aktiv mit.

The publishing business is changing, challenges are growing. Cooperation and the exchange of experience are crucial for diversity. plenigo offers forums for discussions and for shaping the future of publishing.


"plenigo, one of the future systems has shown the importance it will have - future."

CTO of a plenigo client

"I have seen a lot of solutions, including those of national and international competitors. Nothing is more focused on the future of the publishing business than plenigo."

Head of Customer Solutions, Int. media group from Germany

Become a part of this future

Do your eyes light up when you can create and make an impact? Do you have a passion to grow, both professionally and personally? Let's create a platform together that promotes the vision of independent and reader-funded journalism. With a heroic drive and a good dose of passion.

Werde Teil des plenigo Teams und unterstütze uns, freien und qualitativen Journalismus gewährleisten zu können.